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Unu aferon
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speakerUnuone aferonthing

speakerElisabeto estasis kunwith siaher fratobrother, Mateo.
headspeakerVeoh no! MiI bezonasneed panonbread porfor miamy sandviĉosandwich.
Click on the option meaning "bread."
! Mi mia sandviĉo.
headspeakerĈu viyou bezonasneed irito go alto lathe superbazarosupermarket?
Mateo wants to know if his sister needs to go to the supermarket.
  • Yes, he does.
  • No, he doesn't.
headspeakerHooh, miI volaswant unuone aferonthing defrom lathe superbazarosupermarket!
  • wants to go to the supermarket with Elisabeto.
  • also needs one thing from the supermarket.
  • is making a cheese sandwich too.
headspeakerKionwhat viyou bezonasneed?
headspeakerUnuone tomatontomato, bonvoluplease.
Complete the sentence
headspeakerPorfor miamy salatosalad!
headspeakerDankonthank you!
headspeakerKajand miI ankaŭalso volaswant iomsome daof kafocoffee
What's next?
headspeaker kajand miI volaswant iomsome daof sukerosugar por mia kafo.
  • porfor miamy kafocoffee
  • porfor miamy fiŝofish
  • porfor miajmy terpomfingrojfries
headspeaker kajand iomsome daof laktomilk.
headspeakerHmm… miI havashave ideonidea.
headspeakerJenhere is iomsome daof monomoney, Mateo.
headspeakerMiI volaswant unuone aferonthing defrom lathe superbazarosupermarket, panobread.
What did Elisabeto do?
  • She bought bread from the supermarket.
  • She gave Steve money to buy the only thing she wanted, bread.
  • She made a cheese sandwich for Mateo.
Tap the pairs