ZariZari ogand LilyLily erare i bussenon the bus.![head](
LilyLily, der erthere is en ny eleva new student iin voresour klasseclass!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.
Han hedderHis name is MikkelMikkel.![head](
JaYes,, hanhe eris frafrom NorgeNorway.![head](
HansHis farfather skriverwrites bøgerbooks!Select the missing phrase
MegetVery interesting interessant.![head](
Han talerHe speaks danskDanish, engelskEnglish ogand norskNorwegian.![head](
ÅhOh, han erhe is intelligentintelligent.![head](
IntelligentIntelligent ogand højtall, ogand hanhe eris megetvery smukpretty…How does Zari describe Mikkel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.
HahaHaha, jayes?![head](
HmmHmm… MegetVery smukkepretty skoshoes.![head](
ZariZari, MikkelMikkel eris bag vedbehind digyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, dig.
HejHello, MikkelMikkel!![head](
HejHello LilyLily! Hvordan går detHow are you?![head](
FintFine, takthank you.![head](
MikkelMikkel, dettethis eris min venindemy friend, ZariZari.![head](
Hun kan lideShe likes dineyour skoshoes.![head](
ÅhOh, hmmhmm, hejhello, MikkelMikkel.Zari didn't realize that…
…Mikkel's shoes were so ugly.
…Mikkel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs