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Garson Haklı
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speakerGarson(the) waiter Haklıis right

speakerBeaBea veand arkadaşıher friend FerhatFerhat bira restorandadırat (a) restaurant.
headspeakerBenI çokvery açımI am hungry!
headspeakerButhis restoranınrestaurant's balığıfish enfesis delicious!
Bea and Ferhat are going fishing.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speakerBira garsonwaiter masayato the table gelirhe comes.
headspeakerİyi akşamlargood evening. Bugüntoday newhat yemekto eat istersinizwould you like to?
headspeakerBalıkfish, lütfenplease.
headspeakerTamamok. Peki well... Newhat içmekto drink istersinizwould you like?
headspeakerÇokvery özelspecial bira şarabımızour wine varwe have.
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headspeakerVeand balıkthe fish içinfor mükemmelit's perfect.
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headspeakerAmabut biraza little pahalı it's expensive
headspeakerButhis özelspecial bira gecenight, bira şişebottle özel şarabınızdanof your special wine istiyoruzwe want.
speakerGarson(the) waiter masayato the table balık(with) fish veand bir şişe şaraplawith a bottle of wine gelirhe comes.
headspeakerLezizdelicious gözüküyorit looks!
Bea thinks that the fish looks…
  • …delicious.
  • …frozen.
  • …terrible.
headspeakerEvetyes, çokvery lezizdelicious!
speakerFerhatFerhat, şarabınıhis wine Bea'nınBea's tabağınaon her plate dökerhe spills.
ChooseChoose thethe optionoption thatthat meansMeans "spills."
Ferhat, .
headspeakerHayırno! Balığınyour fish!
headspeakerVe and Şarabınyour wine!
speakerBeaBea balığıthe fish yershe eats.
headspeakerGarsonthe waiter haklıis right!
headspeakerButhis şarapwine buthis balıkfish içinfor mükemmelit's perfect!
Why is the waiter right?
  • Ferhat is a boring date.
  • The wine is perfect with the fish.
  • The restaurant is very cheap.
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