JuniorJunior volta acomes back casahome depois daafter escolaschool. Háthere is umaa mulherwoman nain the salaliving room. Junior sees a bear in his living room.
Yes, that's right.
No, that's wrong.
Ahoh! Tuyou não és aare not MariaMaría!Select the missing phrase
Nãono... SouI am PenélopePenélope. Ando com o teu paiI'm dating your dad…
Sou oI am JuniorJunior.
Oláhello JuniorJunior. O teu paiyour dad estáis nain the casa de banhobathroom.
Eand a MariaMaría estáis aquihere frequentementeoften?
Simyes! Todos os diasevery day!
Todos os diasevery day!?
Paidad e aand MariaMaría falamtalk todas as manhãsevery morning.
Elashe estáis aquihere dein manhãthe morning!
QueroI want saberto know maismore about MariaMaría…Clickhaz clic onon theel optionoption meaningmeaning "toto knowsaber."
Bemwell, eu gosto daI like MariaMaría, masbut...
...elashe falatalks demasiadotoo much. Masbut, omy meudad pai ama-aloves her muitoa lot!
Ama-a(he) loves her!?
Teu paiyour dad não pode tercan't have duastwo namoradasgirlfriends!PenélopePenélope saileaves. EddyEddy sai dacomes out of the casa de banhobathroom. Why did Penélope leave?
She had to use the bathroom.
Junior kicked her out.
She thinks Eddy has two girlfriends.
Ondewhere está ais PenélopePenélope?
Não estáshe is not felizhappy com awith MariaMaría!
OHoh NÃOno!
NÃOno! PenélopePenélope, aMaría Mariais éour o nossobird pássaro!
Verdadetrúa! Adeusbye, PenélopePenélope.Did you catch that? Who's María?
Eddy's daughter
Eddy's girlfriend
Junior and Eddy's bird
Tap the pairs