
WelcomeBounarrivayo toa thelas Unofficial Duolingo Stories in TiniananHistórias Ainoficielas Duolingoïs na Tiñaniól
Tinianan(lo) Tiñaniól issé aune conlanglinje artificiél designeddiseñeyo bypor aun groupgrupo of friendsd'amices toasín communicatecomunicárse amongd'ante themselvessom mesmos.. ItÉsta eventuallyeventualmente gainedgaunó more speakersplufalantes,, countingcontendo 88 right nowabora mesmo..
It was developedFei desvolveya overtimevía tempréi by thepolos speakersfalantes themselvessom mesmos.. It tookJerbóse 88 yearsanos topar developdesvolverse intona Modern TiniananTiñaniól Moderno,, the standard languagele linje estándar.
It'sSé aune romance languagelinje romance,, similarsimilál toal SpanishEspañól,, PortuguesePortugiól oru CatalanCatalán.. It was designedFei diseñeya topar beser a very regularune linje regulál easy to learn language(ei) fasi d'aprender,, with almost no exceptionscon cuasi nainguna exeución..
WellBoun,, I hope¡esprenço you enjoydafruzas the Unofficial Duolingo Stories in Tiniananlas Histórias Ainoficieles Duolingoïs na Tiñaniól!!