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Lo doitór Eddy
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speakerLo doitórdoctor EddyEddy

speakerEddyEddy stais nolat the supermercáisupermarket.
speakerUnaa mulhérwoman parla amtalks to ellhim.
A woman talks to Eddy at the supermarket.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeaker¿Sesare you doitóra doctor?
headspeaker¿Jome? ¿Doitóra doctor? Ahuh
headspeakerSayes. JoI am doitóra doctor.
headspeaker¡Tant bonso good!
speakerEddyEddy non is not doitóra doctor.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerTenoI have moita lot of argéntmoney.
headspeakerVivoI live n'unain a casa pergrandavery big house.
headspeakerTenoI have pantalonïs marpracelïsvery expensive pants
headspeakerOcáOK, proebut
headspeaker¡Axithat homeman nesiteneeds una doitórdoctor, aranow!
headspeaker¡Stahe is proxáinear lathe laitmilk!
headspeaker¡Perfavorplease, axithat homeman nesiteneeds la seayour ajudahelp!
The man who needs help is near the…
  • …station.
  • …tomatoes.
  • …milk.
headspeaker¡Stahe is moivery fermélsick!
Choose the option that means "very sick."
¡ !
headspeaker¡Ayoh, noino!
speakerEddyEddy aojasees unaa mulhérwoman eiand parla amtalks to ellaher.
headspeakerHolahello, ¿sesare you doitoraa doctor?
What happened in the story?
  • Eddy started med school to become a doctor.
  • Eddy pretended to be a doctor to impress a woman.
  • Eddy saved a man at the supermarket.
Tap the pairs